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V5Pro Coming....June 2019

UPDATE: While beta testing has been going on since January, we will release it officially in June.  4.5pro users will be able to upgrade to V5Pro for $150(Those who purchased NEW, not upgraded licenses, of v4.5pro after October 2018 can contact sales@soundminer.com to get a free upgrade). Stay tuned for notice on the site.

It isn't just a matter of going 64 bit, although that is a huge undertaking, but V5Pro will feature the coolest inline Sampler made for sound designers!

Introducing RADIUM, an easy to use way to use the flexibility of a traditional Sampler within a sound design environment.

There's a lot more to this new version and you can sit on on the first introduction of it to some of the world's key sound designers by visiting our Youtube channel:

V5pro has been in final phase beta since January 2019 and we are happy to announce that all those who have purchased a new license of v4.5pro from October 1, 2018 will get this version for free. While the final candidate may not be fully ready, any owner of 4.5pro can request access to the v5pro beta as it gets its finishing touches.

All those who upgraded to 4.5pro from an earlier license will be required to pay an upgrade fee. Upgrades for v5Pro will be announced shortly.  The objective is to get this version completed first and then, after the beta testing period is over, the other desktop products will get their 64 bit upgrades addressed.