Home / HD Troubleshooting

These are the things to try first...if you still cannot get a solution contact support@soundminer.com. Please provide your ilok user id or sales order info so we can identify your license and provide details on the issue including system, build info and any other relevant information.


DOES NOT LAUNCH - Where are my Databases?

Chances are that one or more of the databases you have is corrupted.  The databases are generally stored on your local boot drive and comprised of 4 files named the same but with different extensions:

(xxx.vdb,xxx.ind,xxx.dat, xxx.blb files)

Remove, delete or remove these files but make sure you have quit HD first!  In general, it is a good practice to make a copy of good databases as a backup so if you run into an issue, simply replacing old with new will get you back working quick.

Location of these files 

MAC:  ~/Library/SMData

*Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or higher hides the ~/Library directory by default. You may need to unhide it first.  To unhide user Library in Lion: Call up the Terminal(Application/Utilities) and enter in(or copy this) and hit RETURN:

chflags nohidden ~/Library/
*10.14 no longer supports the Terminal command.  Instead, go to your HOME folder and in the Finder choose View > Show View Options (or press Command+J).  Check off 'Show Library' and it will be permanent.

Once the directory is viewable, you can remove any of the corrupted databases and relaunch.  Make sure anytime you are in this directory that the application is quit.

PC: entering this in the explorer window %APPDATA%\SMData opens up the SMData folder.
The SMData folder is usually hidden      c:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Soundminer




When the program crashes, you should get a prompt to send to apple or show details. You can show details and copy/paste this into an email to techsupport@soundminer.com   If you want to retroactively send crash reports, use the finder and Go to menu. To go to this folder(copy/paste, make sure to include the ~)


Look for files with Soundminer in their name(they should be at the top when sorted by date modified). If the program is reliably crashing or locking up on a certain file, you can log what files are being scanned by doing the following... Go into preferences and turn logging on. When it fails, you'll find the log file inside...

~/Library/Logs/Soundminer/ Called SoundminerHDLog.txt


The directory is hidden by the operating system:

For example for Win 7 on our computer it is:

c:\Users\Justin Drury\AppData\Roaming\Soundminer


c:\Users\Justin Drury\AppData\Roaming\SMData

on XP its....

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Soundminer
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\SMData

The soundminer folder should have a log file.  If any assertions got thrown that would be the place they would be.

The SMData might have dmp files.

 AUDIO monitoring

SM HD+ can have the output hardware run at any sample rate.  This is accessed in the 'Soundminer' menu and choosing Setup Output Device

If you show advanced settings, you'll see the output rate that the device is set too.

If this menu and the actual card are set differently, this can result in audio playing back incorrectly.  HD, in most cases, would change its hardware output automatically, but in some cases the system may register this change.  In that case, you'd have to manually ensure the sample rate matches.

*Be aware that AVID hardware is not multi-client.  This means you CANNOT route audio through the AVID hardware when Pro Tools is running.  You would have to set it to your internal card or a secondary interface.  Rewire is not supported on HD at this time.


HD dragging wrong file

Link the browser results and waveform(its the chain link in the menu.. you want it closed)

Reveal the selected file...(command R)

Is this the correct file?

User may have player unlinked to file and be dragging something else.


Rewire HD troubleshoot MAC

We only install the Rewire slave.  There are two parts to this equation.  The other is the host rewire and that is installed by Pro Tools.  I assume you completed step 1 below, so move to step 2

1.  I presume ProTools came with ReWire installed.  Sometimes ProTools needs to rebuild its list though… try deleting the file InstalledAAXPlugins in this folder


This folder is hidden so you may need to use the GO menu to go to folder and copy and paste the above in….

2.  Try this

Replace the Rewire.bundle  in /Library/Application Support/Propellerhead software/Rewire with the ones in the URL zip folder:


unzip and put into

/Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/ReWire/

SMHDRewire.bundle should be in there already

relaunch and try

3.  You could try going downloading


And see if it generates any errors(meaning rewire itself isn’t installed properly)

Ideally it should load and you see something like this

(SM Engine 4.0)

If that all works, then its truly a problem on ProTools side and you’d do best to reinstall it….


HD freelance Mode

You will require a LUA file(one is linked below) to be placed alongside the app itself.  This file tells the app where to look for its databases.  Here are the steps:

1.  copy the application to the drive that will be moving around with you.

2.  If you have built DBs then copy the SMData folder from its default location

to the drive alongside the application.

3.  Launch the LUA file I sent you and alter the location to reflect the new SMData folder location

ie.  /Volumes/MyDrive/HDplus/

or even easier, leave the default and make sure the file is placed alongside the app (current executable).

4.  place that LUA beside the app on the hard drive.

5.  Launch the app on the hard drive

If you just used the default one provided in the link then it has a special "currentExecutable" flag (click link to download LUA file)

In which case


would work and is simple.


Sharing an HD database with a V series product

HD and our V series products share much but their indexes are different.  The databases created in HD can be shared with a V4.5 client however.  The databases are made up of 4 files(blb, dat, ind, vdb extension) found in your SMData folder for HD(~/Library/SMData or use the Show Support Folder menu item).  Copy them out and move the copies into the V4.5 support folder (either ~/Library/Application Support/Soundminer/Databases or in the same on your freelance drive -/Volume/Soundminer Support/Databases.


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